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Press Release: June 7, 2022


Updated: Jul 12, 2022

June 7, 2022

Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) stands with Santa Monica College as it pursues needed funding to improve the educational environment for students and the community through a 2022 bond measure that will generate $375 million over the next 25 years. CEPS supports placing the bond measure on the November 8 ballot and wholeheartedly endorses the measure.

Since its inception, CEPS has included in its mission statement that our organization’s purpose is:

1. To promote a shared community vision for excellence in our public schools that includes early childhood and post-secondary education;

2. To evaluate and pursue a range of short and long term funding measures through state, city and school district policies and elections;

3. To identify and support issues that will support education and public schools, including early childhood education, after-school programs, and post-secondary public education;

4. To increase public awareness of the value and uniqueness of our public schools;

5. To promote accountability for high quality public education by public institutions and public officials.

The proposed projects and ballot language are consistent with these ideals.

Sincerely, on behalf of the CEPS Steering Committee,

Nicole Faries

Ted Winterer


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