PRESS RELEASE: Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) Endorses Community Leaders for Santa Monica City Council, Santa Monica College Board, SMMUSD Board of Education and Assembly District 41; Supports Proposition 28, Measure SMC
September 5, 2022
SANTA MONICA, CA -- Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) announces its endorsements for the Santa Monica City Council, the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees, the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board of Education (SMMUSD) and Assembly District 51. CEPS also has made important decisions on statewide and local ballot measures, supporting state Proposition 28 and local Measure SMC.
“As voters consider their choices in the upcoming November 8th election, CEPS is proud to endorse community leaders who have demonstrated that they make education a top priority,” said Nicole Faries, Co-Chair of Community for Excellent Public Schools. Co-Chair Ted Winterer added, “We believe these candidates will make certain that support for education and public schools, including after-school programs, early childhood education, and post-secondary public education, will be public investment priorities.”
Following, in alphabetical order by surname, are the CEPS 2022 endorsees:
Santa Monica City Council
Lana Negrete
Caroline Torosis
Natalya Zernitskaya
Santa Monica College Board of Trustees
Nancy Greenstein
Tom Peters
Sion Roy
Barry Snell
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board of Education
Laurie Lieberman
Alicia Mignano
Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein
State Assembly District 51
Rick Chavez Zbur
State Proposition 28 - SUPPORT
Without raising taxes, Prop 28 will increase funding for instruction in arts and music in California’s public schools. CEPS is proud to have always supported the quality education in arts and music offered by SMMSUD and believes that kids across the state should have the chance to expand their intellectual development and prepare for the arts jobs of the future.
Local Measure SMC - SUPPORT
Provides capital funds to continue the modernization of the Santa Monica College campus, to create housing for low-income students and to provide technology upgrades to meet the needs of a rapidly changing post-secondary education.
About CEPS
Since 2003, Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) has been the face of public education advocacy in our community and for our schools. CEPS has worked strategically to rally voters’ support for public education through advocacy and direct democracy. This work has led to successful outcomes that now generate over $35 million annually for SMMUSD, over 20% of SMMUSD's annual budget. These vital funds provide all students in our community the benefits of quality teachers, curriculum and arts programs, and provide citizens the benefits that great public schools create. The total operating revenue generated for SMMUSD by CEPS-backed efforts over the last 17 years now exceeds $350 million. CEPS supports education at all levels, including early childhood, K-12, and community college.
Media Inquiries
Nicole Faries, Co-Chair, CEPS
Ted Winterer, Co-Chair, CEPS